Thursday, October 18, 2007

Our Vision, Implementation, and Benefits

The Vision
Our vision is to transform Port Washington (PW), Wisconsin into the “greenest” city in the United States by:
• Working with community groups, municipalities, state government and business entities to establish and promote “green” practices
• Provide assistance with the implementation of LEED /UD standards for the renovation of existing and new building
Provide technical assistance to businesses
• Develop a rigorous educational/incentive program to promote the benefits of an environmental/sustainable community that encourages a cooperation/collaboration towards the health and well-being of individuals and the environment
• Enhance current recycling efforts to include the development of innovative methods of collecting and managing
• Create alternative public transportation opportunities to accommodate a “vehicle sharing program” of hybrid/biodiesel/electric vehicles, mopeds, or trolley/bus
• Provide an infrastructure of transportation and access to community services/businesses and employment that promotes walking and/or biking
• Support our fishing/marina economy in embracing eco-friendly practices
• Establish incentives to encourage public and private properties to embrace the use of storm drainage systems, porous surfaces, solar power and other renewable energy sources
• Encourage the development of community gardens, green spaces, and local agriculture
• Reform our established educational systems to embrace and integrate “green”/sustainable practices in administration and curriculum while giving an opportunity for innovative and collaborative academic/community services to include edible gardens, critical thinking cohorts, community art, and volunteerism

• Create an advisory board that embraces the diverse interests of the community involved in the reformation of PW
• Research funding/grant resources in order to become more educated through trainings/collaboration/conferences/seminars and to provide financial backing for major “green” initiatives/industry
• Create partnerships with local entities
• Establish a resource center within the city to provide support and education to private/public entities by which individuals have access to books, CD’s, web access, networking

Who Benefits
• The economy of PW will be revitalized on the basis of innovation and futuristic products and services that will create Port Washington as a “destination” while embracing its history and unique location
• Investment revenues will ultimately increase property values, and the value of current business holdings will rise
• Funders will realize a significant return on investment as “green” economies continue to grow at a rapid and sustained pace
• As PW begins receiving attention and awards for their innovative “green” practices its investment prospective will increase and attract additional capital investments
• Existing residence will enjoy increased job and innovative training opportunities within the community of Port Washington
• An abundance of new jobs will be created
• The “green” economy in Port Washington will attract a highly skilled and educated pool of human resources
• Industry, businesses and individual households will realize a decrease in energy expenditures
• By embracing “green”/sustainable practices now, PW will benefit from having an early entry into the “green” economy
• Our community will set a standard and act as a model to other communities in becoming “green”
• Ultimately, all members of the PW community regardless of age and socioeconomic status, will be given the opportunity to decrease their usage “footprint” on the environment while creating environments that promote sustainability and personal/community health/well-being

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